

Clifford经历的第一个秋天孙艺兴,我带着他去了公园。一路上看到了南飞的鸟儿和片片落叶。正巧这时姚不仙 ,一个皮球滚到了Clifford面前…一起来看故事吧
1. It was Clifford's first autumn. One day傲天无痕 , I put on a warm coat and took him to the park.
2. On the way to the park蛏子怎么读, Clifford saw pumpkins for the first time. He was very happy. He jumped up and--Crash!o型血的性格 Pumpkins rolled all over the street.
在去公园的路上,Clifford第一次见到了南瓜。他可高兴啦魅声t600 。小家伙激动地跳起来密战演员表 ,然后不小心就装上去了!南瓜都滚到了街上宿敌冤家 。
3. Then we got to the park. It looked different. There were leaves all over the ground.
后来我们到了公园。那里看起来不一样了圆叶景天 。地上都是树叶。
4. The birds were all flying south. Clifford couldn't chase them. So he chased the leaves. It was fun!
5. Then a ball came right in front of Clifford.
这时古力查力度 ,一个皮球正巧滚到Clifford面前。
6. There was a long string on the ball. Clifford took hold of the string and ran.
7. He crossed the white line, and all the kids cheered. Clifford scored!
他冲过了终点线,所有的孩子都为他鼓掌李司南 。Clifford得分啦!
8. The kids told me Clifford was a very special dog. I was so proud of him.
那些孩子们告诉我他们觉得Clifford是条痕特别的狗狗。我以他为豪呢飙血哥 !

1. on the way to... 去……的路上
-On the way to school, I saw a UFO. 在上学路上,我看到了一个不明飞行物邓兰秀波儿。
2. in front of... 在……前面
-She sits in front of me. 她坐在我前面阎瑞生案 。

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