

大家好姑娘威武 !
随着我们所热爱的这所城市越来越国际化王羚柔 ,我们的生活也开始发生了微妙的变化,比如:我们的外国朋友一下子多了起来;我们的工作演示开始要用中英文了;我们也开始背起行囊出去看看了谢楚余!哇!无处不是惊喜和挑战纠缠不息 !您准备好了吗?
为了能给大家可能面对的国际化交流提供一点有用的支持,我们有一份关于英语学习的问卷调查无限异能化 ,希望您可以帮助我们完成。
让我们能了解:在英语学习中骸骨灰烬 ,您最感兴趣什么林淑端 ?最想学习什么?认为哪些英语知识在您的日常工作和生活中最有用。


Greetings, our Chinese students!
We have a brief questionnaire that we would love if you would complete for us.
We’d like to know how to what topics you’d like to learn about. What interests you the most about English?
What areas of English would you most like to learn more about? What topics do you think would be most useful in your daily life陈店吧?
Let’s start with the people:
- People with whom you think you’d most often communicate in English:
B.Online friends
C.Face-to-Face Friends
D.Potential Clients Strangers
E.Business Contacts
- ConversationTopics:
B.Restaurant Interactions
C.Making reservations
D.Giving directions Finding locations
E.General courtesy
-Why is it important to you that you learn English in the near future?
A. seeking promotionand salary increases
B. travelling abroad
C. engaging in business negotiation
D. viewing foreign language materials and media
E. understanding western culture, cultivating a new way of thinking
F. improving my practical work skills
G. simply learning English well for no specific reason
H. a love of thelanguage无谓网 ,李亚倩 and/or languages in general
-Have you encountered obstacles in English learning?
A. No
B. Yes. Specifically:No centralized time / learning process is tedious, non interactive, difficultto persist / expensive黑狱风云2,11:11泰妍 and funds are limited / no use for it, and no effectiveway to apply it
If you could improve one general area of English, what would it be?
(Please leave your message asbelow薄智云, click "留言")
全外教、小班制博德大世界 ,兴趣启蒙、听、说、读、写全面发展!地址:海口市海甸岛世纪大道万美街南方明珠小区西门电话:0898-66660870
活动地址:贾丽莉 海口市龙昆南路华源大厦4楼(海南师范大学正门)


