

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦于1935年发现了量子纠缠。他将其称为“幽灵般的远距离行动”大汉封禅。该理论研究了一个量子粒子如何影响另一个量子粒子,并得出这种影响的速度要快于光速的结论。这种先进的新兴技术已经出现了一段时间暗蚀 ,并开始真正显现其巨大的发展前景。其中一项有趣的应用是在网络安全领域,很多人认为它掌握了所谓的抗干扰数字通信的关键。
世界上许多著名的科学家认为,中国已经在量子通讯领域取得了领先地位。近期,一个中国科学家团队利用卫星进行了量子纠缠的实验,该实验能够将光子纠缠对的光束照射到位于中国的各自相距700英里的三个地面站。尽管之前也有过类似实验和结果罗启仁 ,但能够在如此遥远的距离之间并从卫星上实现尚属首次。虽然此项技术尚未成熟,其成就不容忽视,代表着这项技术向前迈进了一大步。
The weird science of quantum computing, communications and encryption
Ever heard of quantum entanglement血夜异闻录? If you haven’t宋智英 , don’t feel bad. As I have written about before, quantum theory is the abstract basis of modern physics. It explains the nature and behavior of how matter acts.
Albert Einstein discovered quantum entanglement in 1935. He said it is "spooky action at a distance." It examines how one quantum particle could affect one another, and that effect is faster than the speed of light. It is one of those advanced/emerging technologies that has been around for a while and is really beginning to show promise.
One of the more interesting applications of this advanced technology is cybersecurity. Many believe it holds the key to what is being called hack-proof digital communications. Basically, this hack-proof capability is based on the principal that an adversary can’t look at the communications without changing or destroying it.
Many world renown scientists believe that China has taken the lead when it comes to quantum communication. Recently, a team of Chinese scientists conducted a quantum entanglement experiment using a satellite and was able to beam entangled pairs of photons to three ground stations located in China about 700 miles apart. Previous work has had similar results, but never has it been done over such a great distance and from a satellite. While this is far from being ready to field割草船, it does represent quite an accomplishment and a huge step forward.
It should be noted that this is just one of a number of China’s strategic initiatives to develop new technology that will create an extremely secure, ultrahigh-speed许名杰 , quantum-based global communications network. Researchers in several countries, such as the U.S.竹影青瞳, Canada and Singapore (as well as Google), are also working on a broad spectrum of quantum theory applications including quantum encryption.

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(文章来源:Defense news,图片来源:Defense news)
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